Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Transformations in Gone with the Wind Essay Example For Students

Transformations in Gone with the Wind Essay Gone with the Wind is a famous novel which was written by Margaret Mitchell, first published in 1936, and adapted to film with the same name in 1939. Both film and novel received positive appraises from adorers all over the world. It is the story of progress of a girl named Scarlett O’Hara from the spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner to a commercially successful businesswoman who fought for her familys sake during the Civil War and the days of Reconstruction. The name of the novel â€Å"Gone with the Wind† was one of the most curious things that readers always wrestle with while reading or watching it. We will write a custom essay on Transformations in Gone with the Wind specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Consequently, what has really gone with the wind? To understand what things have gone with the wind, at first, we need to mention the setting of the novel. The story takes place in Georgia, mostly in Atlanta, during the Civil War of the 1860s. However, important sections also take place in Tara, the plantation home of the O’Hara family. The story begins with the Civil War and expands seven or eight years after the war, a period during which the old south with its elegance, wealth and aristocratic traditions is subjected to a federally plan called Radical Reconstruction. Atlanta is first burned and then reestablished by Yankees who prosper while southerners who stick hopelessly to the old traditions in proud poverty. The setting of any novel normally affects the entire story, and so does â€Å"Gone with the Wind. † During and following the war, there is a shortage of everything, even necessities such as food, water, clothes, and shelter. People have the instinct to survive so they need to do as many things as possible to help themselves. Characters in the story need to adjust to live in the county of destruction. Their lifestyle, tradition, and code of honor need to be replaced by the survival effort. After analyzing effects that setting have, we are going to our first and only question: â€Å"What has gone with the wind? † Actually, the title of the novel was cautiously taken from the poem of Dowson, â€Å"Cynara. † In the poem â€Å"Cynara,† â€Å"gone with the wind† refers to the loss of love. In the novel, Scarlett OHara uses the phrase when she wonders if her home on a plantation called Tara is still standing or if it is gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia. In my opinion, what has gone with the wind is the dream of the Southerners about a prosperous civilization with old traditions that would last forever but now have been swept away by the wind of war. The change in the face of the South firstly expresses through the change of the lifestyle here. There used to be many splendid families which were white and wealthy with large fertility plantations. However, when the war happened, the Yankees used Tara to devastate the plantation, strip it of food, the house of Wilkes was destroyed and the O’Hara house had nothing to eat. The war also steals many lives in Tara, including people to Scarlett. The life always surrounded by parties through all days and nights which never had to bother about the poverty or food had gone for good. The southern residents need to give up all old tradition to work to support themselves and their families. Scarlett must get rid of everything in order to survive – marriage without love to get money, manslaughter not to endanger her family. Another change clearly showed up is the alternatives of class structure. .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 , .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .postImageUrl , .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 , .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:hover , .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:visited , .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:active { border:0!important; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:active , .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31 .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6c63662c5e523e0e4fc875109698de31:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: O Brother Where Art Thou EssayThe traditional severe class structure of the South is broken by the war. Before the war, the plantation owners are at the top of the social hierarchy, superior to everyone even their overseers and in turn are placed above the slaves. Slaves are of bottom hierarchy. The war, in which plantations are destroyed and slaves freed, weakens this hierarchy. Those who were high are brought low, and those who were low but have some valuable ability have the chance to rise in the new society. The role of men and women in society also have a dramatic alternative. The pre-war South is a place of strict gender division. Certain roles were pointed to men and women, the men take charge of the plantation and the women are taught to attract rich men or be in charge of the household and the welfare of the slaves. The war occurs so that just the strongest and most adaptable can become the ones to make income, and sometimes these are women, not men any longer, such as Scarlett. Though Scarlett is criticized by the Old Atlanta society for her unwomanly behavior in running her own businesses, the war is likely to make a woman break out of her traditional gender role such a thing would have been silly previously. Scarlett begins to talk and work like a man, controls Tara, helps Ashley and his family out, and hires Ashley at her mill, all activities that are traditionally the role of the male. The change in Southerners is also represented in the loss love of Scarlett with Ashley. Because Ashley typically represents the Old South, Scarlett’s loss of Ashley therefore reflects the South’s loss of its aristocratic customs. Rhett, who represents a new future for the South, is a new choice for Scarlett. Scarlett with her desire for more personal freedom than old custom lets her find herself struggling to choose between Ashley Wilkes and Rhett Butler, just as the southern civilization finds itself struggling to choose between its traditional culture and values of land and slave-driven agriculture, and the new northern way of life driven by the industrial economy and individual freedom. Gone with the wind is the film and story about when the American South was swept away by the war. Through the life of Scarlett O’Hara, the whole process of being destroyed and reconstructed of the South was lively recreated in the most amazing way. It’s almost 80 years from the day it was first released but its influence still exists and also grows stronger. Gone with the Wind is definitely the eternal statue in the mind of fans all over the world despite the sand of time. Bibliography: Gone with the wind analysis. (2008, 6 11). Retrieved from shmoop study guides web site: Gone with the wind in depth. (2006). Retrieved from Novel guide web site: Gone with the wind novel. (2015, Marc 31). Retrieved from wikipedia web site: Margaret Mitchell : American Rebel. (2012, Marc 12). Retrieved from Pbs web site: Mitchell, M. (1936). In M. Margaret, Gone with the wind (p. 1037). Macmillan Publishers. Ruff, D. K. (2004). Gone with the wind study guide. Retrieved from thebestnotes web site:

Sunday, November 24, 2019


CHISTES EN ESPANOL essays Cierto polà ­tico mexicano fue invitado por una potencia extranjera a servir como astronauta en un arriesgado viaje espacial en el que adems irà ­a un chango. Le entregaron al polà ­tico dos sobres que deberà ­a abrir ya dentro de la nave. El primer sobre contenà ­a instrucciones sobre lo que tendr que hacer el chango: encrgase del procedimiento de despegue, conduccin de la nave, llegada al planeta Marte, despegue de regreso y aterrizaje, ms registro de todas las observaciones que se hagan durante el viaje y reparacin de la nave en caso de descompostura. " ¡Qu barbaridad! - piensa el polà ­tico -. Si todo eso le encargaron al chango, qu no me encargarn a mà ­". Temblando abre su sobre y lee. "Usted limà ­tese a darle de comer al chango". Eran una pareja de esposos de 40 a "Un dà ­a de estos se te van a salir las tripas por el culo." Un dà ­a se le ocurri a la esposa hacerle una broma para ver si se le quitaba esa costumbre, fue a la carnicerà ­a y compr todas las tripas que tenà ­an. En la noche que el se muy temprano para hacer el desayuno en eso oye un grito que sale de la recamara " ¡Ã‚ ¡En la madre!!" Ella se acerca para preguntarle al se le pasaba a lo cual l respondi que nada. Cuando el se del baste le dice muy preocupado a su esposa: "Me dijiste que un dà ­a se me iban a salir las tripas por el culo, y anoche se me salieron, lo chingn es que logre metrmelas de nuevo". No es lo mismo: la calle de Zaragoza que goza en la calle Sara. Ni tampoco es lo mismo: huele a traste que atrs te huele. Ni...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Customer Relationship Management - Essay Example It is evident from the study that the customer relationship management aims to trim down costs and boost profitability by solidifying client loyalty. Customer relationship management may have a key impact on a business through: changing the attention from merchandise to client streamlining the offer to what the client requires, not what the business can make. This stresses the competencies required for a successful Customer Relationship Management procedure. CRM has specialized inputs, components and characteristics, which characterize CRM of a corporation and client base capacity for development and advancement over time. It contains particulars of customers; thus, it is very simple to follow a client accordingly and can be useful in the determination of customer’s profitability. All the information in CRM system is centralized that is accessible anytime on fingertips. This decreases process time and enhances efficiency. The strongest facet of CRM is that it is particularly c ost-effective. The main benefit of CRM system is that there is incredibly no requirement of paper and physical work, which involves lesser staff to supervise and resources to administer. New interactive technologies provide effective and acceptable level of service in order for a company to retain customers. In circumstance after circumstance, companies concurrently under-deliver on service components that are significant to customers, and over-deliver on service point clients might not regard about or even discern. (Peppers & Rogers, 2004). In many businesses, assignment of service provision is specific to frontline functions. These roles may be held up amid a broken system and an aggravated customer with modest capability to tackle any of the deeper systemic subjects. Therefore, this limits the degree of the relationship and understanding between the company and the customer. Thus, companies have to shift from depending on their technologies to analyzing their customer behavior to maximize their profits. A distinctive characteristic of companies that uphold success with clients is their capability to connect with customers as individuals. Businesses that appear engrossed in their clients’ lives and, consequently, convey an extremely personal, human experience. Embodying customers incorporate organized ways to entrench empathy in the foundation processes of client discovery, plan and delivery experiences, which are constructive for customers and beneficial as well as tactically pertinent for the business. Empathy is the recognition with or sensational experiencing of the feelings, situations, feelings, attitudes or thoughts of another (Peppers & Rogers, 2004). Apple Computers Apple computers have an understandable and straightforward set of products. Therefore, it is effortless to comprehend the differences between their product families, products and diverse configurations. Complicating products make it hard for a customer to understand the product an d even identify with it; thus, cementing the relationship between the company and customer. Apple restructures its product packaging and offerings to generate a simpler proposition for customers (Peel and Gancarz, 2002). Category and product simplification attracts a customer concentration from derivate labels, meaning that less is significant in a customer’s behavior. Apple computers place the customer at the centre of design. Engineers build and design personal computers and mobile phones, an approach which leads to baffling messages on machines. However, Apple sets design and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fundamentals of Leadership - BMW Case study Coursework

Fundamentals of Leadership - BMW Case study - Coursework Example The focus in this paper is on BMW as the most important competitor in the global automotive industry; the organization’s employees, for 2010, have been estimated to 95,453. The organization operates in about 34 countries. The success of the organization in the global market has been related to the leadership style of its leader, Joachim Milberg, who was appointed as the firm’s CEO in 1999. Milberg initiated the restructuring of organization’s operations promoting the alteration of organizational values and mission. The leadership style of Joachim Milberg is presented and evaluated in this paper; the trait leadership theory is used for explaining the success of Milberg as the leader of BMW. Other leadership theories, such as the Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid, the team leadership theory of Hill and the Skills approach of Katz have been employed for evaluating the characteristics and the effectiveness of leadership in BMW, as reflected in the continuous development of the organization in the global market. It is made clear that in BMW leadership has been used not just for developing effective organizational strategies but also for improving communication and cooperation across the organization; in other words, in BMW leadership has been a framework for supporting the transformation of the organization to a highly competitive one but also for enhancing the team working and the participation of employees in key organizational plans. 2.0 Leadership in BMW – Presentation and analysis 2.1 Evaluation of Joachim Milberg as a leader – leadership theory Joachim Milberg can be characterized as an exceptional leader. Since his appointment as the leader of Milberg, in 1999, Milberg managed to significantly improve the company’s performance, a target which was mainly achieved by emphasizing on the openness of the organization and the respect to the perceptions

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Everyday language and everyday life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Everyday language and everyday life - Essay Example Oh my gosh, I’m a dork, shoot me. Laughing out loud†¦ â€Å"See you at the bar for pizza tonight!† Obviously, no parent, from his or her perspective, could interpret that perfectly! The preponderance for jargons or acronyms for texting and emailing came as a natural consequence of the need for speed in communicating messages across various medium. Further, since cell phones have virtually minute screens to contain long words and complete sentences, people who are in a hurry to send instant messages creatively designed messages in shorthand. Even businesses need to be apprised of these jargons and abbreviations to answer messages coming from diverse stakeholders. A secretary behind closed door meeting could instantly text: PEBCAK to her colleague to mean Problem Exists between Chair and Keyboard – to which the recipient could reply: FYI I’m OTP (for your information, I’m on the phone). With the basic objective of increasing the speed by which messages are sent and delivered, the emergence of abbreviated words came as a necessity and as a form of creative expression. Does it really have a negative effect on children in terms of literacy and correct usage of the English language? While viewing it’s Only a Theory from You Tube, an interesting proposition was being defended by David Crystal, a professor of linguistic from Bangor University, that â€Å"texting is good for the English language†. He disputed several myths, one of which is that kids use abbreviations in texting which leave letters out affecting their knowledge to spell. Likewise, these abbreviations continue to be used in essays and examinations which mean that adults are rearing this generation of kids that are totally illiterate. The funny thing is that Professor Crystal concluded the contentions my saying that these are all a load of chicken droppings. Texting, with all its abbreviations, when used frequently is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Teaching Essays Objective of Curriculum

Teaching Essays Objective of Curriculum Objective of Curriculum The main focus of this curriculum is to incorporate elements of children’s developmental domains which contribute to the holistic being. Our activities are designed by taking into consideration the children we have observed for our child study. Although we recognize the concept of play in the curriculum, we feel that it is also important to provide pupils with a structured curriculum that would supplement their developmental needs. The curriculum aims to develop the children’s socio-emotional development, cognitive – language development and physical development through the integration of play as well as the inquiry, project and thematic approach. In doing so we have ensured that children are provided with an avenue for aesthetic and creative expression, language and literacy development, practice for numeracy skills, motor skills development along with creating an awareness of the self, the environment and the social sphere. As part of our design objective, we aim to ensure continuity from what children have learnt in preschool to the primary school curricula. We feel that this would ease pupils into making the transition from an environment which they have developed a sense of familiarity (i.e. the kindergarten setting) and the one which they are being initiated into. Partnered with the other key approaches, our team firmly belief that by encompassing our curriculum around play, it would supplement children’s developmental needs which in our view have been neglected in the current school curricula. Our Curriculum Having observed the children at the various kindergarten settings, our group have decided to build our curriculum around the concept of â€Å"learning through play†. We recognize that play is an integral part of a child’s holistic development and it should not be omitted as the child progresses into the primary education system. From our child study we observed that each of these children displayed varying interests and abilities which can be extended through a curriculum centered on the concept of play. Play, as we know it, has been defined in many ways by various theorists. One of the many definitions is by Van Hoorn (2007) who affirms that â€Å"[p]lay plays a big part of young children’s development and expression of the child’s developing personality, sense of reflect, intellect, social capacity and physicality.† (p. 4). The activities that surround our curriculum are aimed to address these vital domains of the developing child. Van Hoorn (2007 ) also theorizes that the concept of play exists in a continuum which ranges from â€Å"spontaneous† to â€Å"guided† to â€Å"teacher-directed play†. We have adopted this concept throughout the entire design of this curriculum. Through the integration of both individual and group activities, we are taking into consideration each child’s learning needs as we acknowledge their different learning styles. In our planning, we aim to invigorate this concept of play into our curriculum by integrating other key approaches used in the current school curricula. The curriculum is designed such that it is centered on the concept of â€Å"learning through play† while at the same time utilizing the thematic approach, inquiry approach and the project approach. We have developed the following tripartite diagram to illustrate how we have incorporated the various approaches in our curriculum. Thematic Approach We have chosen to implement the thematic approach as it keeps our curriculum design focused. In view of what has been stated by Wortham (2006), we agree that since the â€Å"thematic curriculum is completed over a period of time, there is opportunity for exploration, investigation, and representation of learning in an unhurried environment† (p.299). Ideally, the curriculum should be executed through a span of eight weeks, within a term. This is to ensure that children would be given ample time to develop skills and knowledge surrounding the adopted theme. We felt that the thematic approach would also aid in children’s learning as they build up experiences based on an ongoing theme which stimulates children into meaning-making as they acquire skills and develop in the different domains. Inquiry Approach The inquiry approach has also been interwoven into this curriculum because we believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to explore for themselves the learning possibilities through inquisitive questions. Much of the activities designed in this curriculum has been targeted at children in honing their inquiry skills. Pupils are encouraged to seek solutions using the open resources made available to them. Project Approach The project approach was also adopted in this curriculum as a way of assessing pupils’ learning. Through this mode of assessment, where pupils are given free reign of the project that they could work on, pupils would be exposed to a variety of activities that taps on their various abilities. Both Vygotsky and Piaget believed that it is through personal manipulation and discoveries that children are able construct an understanding of their learning experiences. Additionally with this project approach pupils will be able to work in a social context where they can learn through a partnership with the teacher. Suggested Activities As an illustration the suggested activities in the framework we have included is based on the theme of Occupation. We planned these activities with the assumption that it is theme which the children have collaboratively decided on as a whole class. The activities incorporated in this curriculum development takes into account the interests and strengths of the children we have observed during our child study. For instance, we have given pupils the choice of their mode of presentation for the role play which can be done through dramatization or a musical performance. Moreover this would encourage pupils to form a self awareness of their personal strengths and interests. The Career Day is essentially a whole day event where children will be given an opportunity to exhibit the product of the projects in which they have undertaken within their groups. We have implemented this concept of a career day as we feel that this would encourage children to take responsibility and pride of their achievements and what they are capable of creating.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Little Miss Sunshine Film Essay

Little Miss sunshine released in 2006, directed and produced by Jonathon Dayton and Valerie Farris represents many complicated family issues. The film establishes these in many situations by the use of film symbolic, written, audio and technical codes and convention an issue that arose was that the main character Olive’s brother is in an oath of silence. That the family have many complicated ambitions, and that Olive wants to participate in a young girls beauty pageant ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ which breaches many moral values through out the film, Throughout the film you can see the family draw closer together and begin to over come many of their issues as a family. The film Little Miss Sunshine focuses on a young girl whose life was altered by the changing nature of society whereby â€Å"Child Beauty contests† define physical attraction and personality at as young as 8 years old. The pressure of the â€Å"beauty myth† is an onset for young children to follow societal expectations whether it be through beauty contests, fashion aimed at pre-teens or young adult celebrities acting as role models. An example of low self-esteem is shown through the restaurant scene where Olive is self-conscience when ordering ice cream. This provides the audience with an understanding of the new-formed issues faced by young women in today’s society due to the expectations of the â€Å"beauty world.† Dayton and Faris use the visual techniques of costuming, whereby the children are spray tanned, lathered with makeup and expose their bodies to exaggerate the young children to physically look older. This has caused sudden dispute within modern day society as expectations for women have started to occur at much younger ages. All of the characters have an ambition that is highlighted throughout the movie, for instance Dwayne takes an oath of silence on behalf of a German philosopher Frederick Nietzche, Dayton and Faris chose not to explain what connection Dwayne had with this man but does show he is dedicated to this mans beliefs, having a poster of him, a shirt with Nietzches face on it and shows him reading a book titled after him. Dwaynes ambition is to be a test pilot for the u.s army which is cut short when they find out he is colourblind, through his sheer anger and rage he gets out of the car and breaks his vow of silence, later in the film Dwayne talks to Frank film conventions create an issue of dysfunctionality and happiness through the use of symbolic codes In the film the old yellow Volkswagen represents happiness represents happiness with an unappealing aspect which connects inextricablly with the family. The van symbolises the family very well as they

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cross Cultural Management Report Plan Essay

Based in the uk I am a cc analyst for a large telecoms company,say who we are briefly, and what the industry is. We want to go abroad In the next 2 years, internationalisation must run smoothly, (what is inisation and what does it mean for a company?) an issue flagged in meetings will be Culture Shock and poor adjustment to the new environment. (What are these?) How will intlisation affect the whole company initially? Will the larger culture gap prove tougher than the smaller? Generic initial issues and frameworks,lecture 3, gives a good overview. (intro). What are the obvious issues faced? Language, distance, new, see the psychic distance thing. I need to provide a detailed account of CS in research and how it relates to CC working and our company. We need 3 good recommendations of how to minimise these affects. Look at successfully int’lised company vs company that is struggling, and the general principals to overcome issues used, can we use them? What does it all really mean according to the future? Has deregulation of the market meant we have to internationalise? conduct a detailed literature review of CS need to discuss the generic issues which the organisation will potentially face related to your chosen area in part one – So, the first part of your literature review will introduce exactly what ideas you’ll go on to discuss. Research lecture notes, text books, journal articles etc and pull together a detailed critical review of the relevant theories and models relating to the area. You also need to detail the relevance of your chosen area to the assignment scenario, with respect to the cross-cultural challenges/difficulties that it would pose for the organisation detail the relevant theories & models and the potential cross-cultural difficulties that could arise as a result of culture shock & adjustment back up your arguments using appropriate theories & models and appropriate real life examples from case studies/research articles/books etc. Give a bit of background for the telecommunication industry to set the scene for your organisation as the context is of course relevant to the assignment – but there is no need to do this in depth. You can still consider issues that are generic to any internationalisation. Source examples/case studies of telecommunications organisations that operate internationally in terms of providing best practice or illustrating failure that has taken place. Internationalisation– present a generic analysis of the issues facing the organisation when expanding into foreign countries in general. give examples to support some of your ideas around examining the likelihood of cultural difficulties being more prevalent when the ‘culture gap’ eg language is larger. Give examples of organisations which have attempted internationalisation and failed and/or succeeded, in order to elaborate and support your arguments and recommendations. need to discuss the generic issues which the organisation will potentially face related to your chosen area in part one – and potential solutions/ways to overcome these in part two. You can give hypothetical examples of different countries but the general principles of internationalisation and the issues that are applicable from a CCM perspective will be the same, no matter which country/countries are chosen for expansion. Give examples of differences in cultures that would cause potential difficulties such as culture shock etc and how these can vary from country to country. Your recommendations should obviously be related in part to your chosen area from part one but you may also talk about generic cross cultural challenges & difficulties which need to be overcome. It may also be useful to look back to lecture 3: Topical issues, as this has some useful practical frameworks you can draw on. There is flexibility with this – there is no particular requirement to have one recommendation about your specific issue and then 2 further general ones for instance. It is up to you. Crucially, a good assignment will evidence the links between whatever topic you have chosen and specific recommendations for alleviating that problem plus the fact that many cross cultural problems are interlinking and more broad in their scope. the first couple of sentences in your recommendations should set out what you’ll go on to address in this section. word count for this assignment is 3000 words. This should be split equally between part one and part two of the assignment A minimum of 15 references should be used. These need to be academic (i.e. authors of journals, textbooks). a range of academic sources should be consulted for research E.g. lecture notes, books, journals Please use the assignment template showing division of the two assignment areas (part one and part two). Whilst the remit of the report is advising an organisation, you’ll be aware by now that there are important interlinking factors between individual and organisational issues. You should position your assignment from both the individual and organisational viewpoints to show that you have an awareness of the interplay between the two and the complexities involved.

Friday, November 8, 2019

History of Birth Control essays

History of Birth Control essays I was interested in finding out what they used for birth control in Colonial times. I found this topic to be very interesting since theres usually no such mention of it in textbooks. Before I started looking for information I thought that the only thing I would find is that the only birth control they used was abstinences, but when I began searching I found that their culture was very quite about sex issues but they had many of the issues that we have today from sexually transmitted diseases and even unwanted bastard children. Birth control has been traced as far back as 1000 BC, in ancient Egypt where the first condoms can be traced back to. Although they did not know that this would prevent them from becoming pregnant, they thought that it was just a protection against disease. In colonial America there were all kinds of what they considered birth control ranging from condoms made from animal intestine, withdrawal by the male, douching, condoms and the rhythm method, just to name a few. Although the culture did not talk about sex and birth control in the 19th century, recipes in women's books for vinegar douches they recommended it be applied to the penis rather than used as a douche. In the 18th and 19th centuries infanticide and abortion were considered a form of birth control. Aside from internal abortifacients, women have attempted external methods such as server exercise, heavy lifting and hot baths, but if these didnt work they always could use one of the methods the Jewish immigrants had brought over with them which was sitting over a pot of hot stewed onions while they were cooking. In the 1870s the New York Times estimated there were 200 full time abortionist in New York. During the 1800s newspapers ads were plentiful, including the Portuguese Female Pill, not to be used during pregnancy for they will cause miscarriages. Folk remedie ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Improve YourEmployeesBusiness Writing Skills [Quick Tips]

How to Improve YourEmployeesBusiness Writing Skills [Quick Tips] How to improvebusiness writing skills is a vexing issue for many businesses. Employees'ability to write clearly and convert complex information into summarized, well-written business documents offers a huge competitive advantage. Although improving business writing skills seems like an easy thing to do, it really isn’t. Many senior executives and leaders struggle with large chunks of data and disparate information. They lack the ability to extract relevant information from mere noiseand convert it into a meaningful, result-oriented message. Employees spend too much time planning, writing, and proofreading business documents. Finaldocuments have too many errors. Sentences lacka logical transition of ideas. The end result is a poorly written document that reflects poorly on business andimpairs employee productivity. Complimentary Business Writing Review of Your Team's Writing hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '68b80d4a-2e12-4e12-a6e9-b258b38b08c3', {}); How to Improve Business Writing Skills Step One Before deciding on the approach to training, the first step is to accuratelyassess your employees’ business writing skills. This involves separating the substance or content of employee-written business documents from thesyntax or language. These two elements of business writing must be analyzed separately. Substance refers to the content and organization of ideas in the business document. It is the fundamental aspect that distinguishes a well-written report from a poor one. It refers to your employees’ ability to skim through volumes of data and prepare a summarized report with only relevant information. There are four useful indicators for measuring the substanceof writing: It should matchaudience awareness It should be customized, keeping in mind the readers and the target audience It should be logically categorized in appropriate headings, subheadings, and bullet points It should be logically sequenced with a proper flow of ideas and transition of thoughts Syntax refers to the language of the document. It includes grammatical errors, active and passive tenses used, tone, and sentence structure. Even employees with strong substantiveabilities can make syntax errors. Unlike substance, however, syntax is rather easy to evaluate and syntax errors are easy to fix. Syntax can be loosely measured with software tools: Microsoft’s Readability Index (Flesch Reading Ease Score Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, built into Word and Outlook) Microsoft Grammar Check (Built into Word and Outlook) Grammarly (Grammar-checking software) How to Improve Business Writing Skill Step Two Once you have assessed your employees’ writing skills, you will have accurate measurements about the business writing skills of your employees and organization. The next step is to train or mentor your employees to write better at work. There are threeapproaches to achieve this: Train your employees and mentor them on your own Hire a business writing expert to train and mentor Hire a business writing expert to train employees, and establish an internal mentoring program Internal Training Training your employees on your own is a lot of work and requires business writing experts on staff. Caution: Just because an employee is a strong writer doesn't mean they will be strong writing trainer. Writing training requires the ability to deconstruct a document and break down the rhetoric and syntax. If you are going to train internally, hire business writing experts with experience teaching business writing. You want teaching experience also, not just writing experience. Appoint these employeesas trainers and mentors for the rest of the organization. This should not be a secondary job responsibility. Hire an Expert Vendor This requires an investment of money, but you will be assured of results. Let's consider the cost implications for a typical work unit of 30 employees earning $60,000 per year, who write for 3.2 hours each day (40% of a 40-hour work week): Cost Calculations of Writing in this Work Unit: Employees' total annual salary expenses: $1,800,000.00 Percentage of employee time spent writing: 40.0% Annual employees' writing costs: $720,000.00 Total annual employee writing hours: 23,040 Studies we have conducted for the past 15years indicate a 30% reduction in writing timeafter our professional business writing training. What are the savings implications for these 30 employees, if they follow an efficient business writing process? Company Would Save: $216,000.00 Potential Annual $ Savings per Employee: $7,200.00 Estimated Writing Hours Saved Annually: 6,912 Weekly writing savings: $4,500.00 hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '8465dacc-17f6-47e6-ad2a-848060c15859', {}); Here are a few factors you need to consider when hiring an expert vendor: The credentials of the training organization - very important. Who developed or will lead the training? Credentials are very important! I saw a "business writing expert" promoting herself recently with the credentials of "Email Doctor." However, she had no writing or teaching credentials. She described her background as "Ten years accounting experience. I was the go-to writer in my office. I'm now a corporate-escapee living a happyfreelance life helping people write more clearly." Credentials and relevant experience matter. The structure of the training program The ability to customizethe training Willingness to provide ongoing support materials Flexible deliverylogistics Hire an Expert Vendor andEstablish and Internal Mentoring Program This builds beautifully on the training and mentoring doesn't require training skills. Essentially, managers need to communicate the strong business writing matters by: Modeling strong business writing. Employees always model their bosses, so be sure managers are modeling the business writing that communicates the company values and skills "What counts is what's counted." Be sure strong business writing skills are included in performance evaluations. Establish an informal document review meeting twice a year. As a team, view sample emails and reports and other key documents written by employees. Critique and improve these - being certain the tenor is support rather than punitive. To learn more abouthow to improve business writing skill for your employees, download the guideâ€Å"Four Steps to improve your Team’s Business Writing Skills.†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Paleozoic Fossils Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paleozoic Fossils - Essay Example 3. The marine community which existed in the Cambrian age was mainly consisted of the brachiopod. Graptolite and sponge were also found in this age. 4. Relationship between climate and plate tectonics to Paleozoic life: The late Paleozoic movements were closely associated with the plate tectonics theory. These movements are also known as Appalachian Movements. 1) Invertebrate went under a huge change during this age. They changed from low diversity to high diversity. Class and families were soon formed within the community. North American continents show the changes found among the vertebrates in this age. Plants were found mainly in the wetlands which covered most of the world. Plants were the first sign of life in this era. 2) The Gulf of Mexico came into existence during this time in the Pangaea. On the other hand the Caribbean Sea was also formed. The Jurassic Age was the most important period for all these changes. 3) Greenstone Granite Belts: West Africa, Precambrian age. 5. Permian Period was the last time period in the Paleozoic Age. The time is about 290 million years ago from now. The formation of Pangea became complete by this age. The reptiles got a new life because of the climatic change. Changes favored the arrival of the mammals. Part 2 Paleozoic Era is one of the most interesting eras in prehistory of biological science. This is the age when some of the major climatic changes took place. So fossils are the main things which are to be displayed before the common people coming to the museum. There will be computer animations which will show the gradual changes among the vertebrate, invertebrate and the plant lives in this period. We should also concentrate on the evolving of the...Changes favored the arrival of the mammals. Paleozoic Era is one of the most interesting eras in prehistory of biological science. This is the age when some of the major climatic changes took place. So fossils are the main things which are to be displayed before the common people coming to the museum. There will be computer animations which will show the gradual changes among the vertebrate, invertebrate and the plant lives in this period. We should also concentrate on the evolving of the mammals in the Permian Age because common people will be interested in it. As for the children there must be large pictures of dinosaurs which lived in the Paleozoic Era. There will also be a Paleozoic global map which will show the existing lives in different parts of the world. The interactive exhibitions will have guides who will help the visitors to get what they try to know.

Friday, November 1, 2019

COMMUNICATION USING NEWER TECHNOLOGIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

COMMUNICATION USING NEWER TECHNOLOGIES - Essay Example Communicating with other people regardless what part of the world is possible in a very timely manner. We send invitations through an e-mail as well as e-cards to greet someone who celebrates birthday. Invitations can also be posted in Facebook so people can confirm if they are attending an event. In fact, communication is real-time because one can video conference with a friend, business partner or loved one through technologies like Skype. Last time, my childhood friends planned a get-together; however, a friend of ours couldn’t make it, since she is living abroad. All we had to do was set up the video camera and speaker on the PC, so she can be part of that wonderful celebration. She was there with us virtually all the time, watching us as we sing and played games. She heard the music in the background that reminded her of our good times together. She also saw the decorations we made as well as the clothes we wore that night. The only thing missing is the fact that she coul dn’t embrace us for all she has is a screen. Nevertheless, she felt she was almost there; in fact, everyone chatted with her, so she saw the smiles in our face. Aside from the Skype conference, we also sent our friend pictures by simply attaching it to our e-mail.